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The Life and Times of Joseph

Time: 9:00—9:45 AM

Frequency: Weekly | 10 meetings

Start and End Date: March 3—May 12

Location: Church | Rm 134

Childcare: Yes

Led by: Daniel Munyan


Description: Imagine a precocious teenager, betrayed and abandoned by his family, sold as a slave, framed for a crime of which he was innocent, who God then elevated to become Egypt’s Prime Minister, all by the age of thirty. In what world outside of Hollywood would that even be possible? Our lecture and discussion will cover the life, trials, and faithfulness of the last Old Testament Patriarch, Joseph. Our sources will include Genesis 37-50, as well as the latest commentaries and extra-biblical studies. Joseph teaches us how to be hopeful in suffering, humble in spirit, faithful in service, forgiving in vindication, and productive wherever God puts us.

 Class materials
