ESL (English as a Second Language) at EBIC

Immigrants and refugees in the United States are confronted with the challenges of living in a new culture. Adjustment to a new country and culture is especially difficult for adults who have limited knowledge of English.

The ESL Ministry at EBIC offers English classes at several levels of proficiency to adults learning English as a new, second, or other language. Classes will help to prepare adults to function in English in the community as students, workers, parents, and citizens.

Classes range from Introduction to Literacy through Advanced/Pre-GED. All new students receive placement testing and interviews to help determine grade level.  Classes serve not only as a place to learn English and to get acquainted with others, but also, throughout this process, to learn and discuss about health, work, shopping, how to access educational opportunities, community services, etc.

If you have more questions about our program, please email us at .

Free adult English classes

Wednesday nights (SEP 11-MAY 28) | 6-8 pm 

ESL instructors and support staff are volunteers working together to the glory of God. As committed followers of Jesus, we desire to serve our community. We seek to teach, inspire, and encourage all involved—not only to improve skills in English and cultural literacy, but also to respond to God's work in the lives of all.

  • Dinner served for all beginning at 5:15 pm
  • Nursery provided for ESL children under age 4
  • Activities provided for children age 4 through grade 8
  • ESL parents with children should arrive by 5:45 pm for check in

Free US Citizenship Class may be available

Registration open for 2024. Please click below to register.
