string(5) "hello"

Summer Walk & Fellowship - Summer 2024

Date Range: July 12—August 16 | weekly

Time: 8:00—9:00 AM

Location: Masonic Village (specific location to be provided)

Childcare: No

Led by: Marci Weidler |

Description: Did you know Masonic Village has many wonderful walking paths? This group will meet weekly for a brisk walk at Masonic Village* and explore the various paths, some flat and some hills. Each walk will begin with a short reflection/prayer and last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. Bring water and a hat or sunglasses. Moms/caregivers with babies/strollers and slower walkers are welcome, and anyone may choose to partner up and take a simpler or shorter path. *Specific Meeting location(s) will be emailed to participants.
