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Summer Mission Focus 2024

(There is NO NEED to sign up for this series. Just come!)

Schedule of Guest Speakers

  • June 9 | T. & A. W. (sensitive name & region)
  • June 16 | Vicky Landis | BIC US World Missions
  • June 23 | Pamela Grosh | Bosavi, Papua New Guinea
  • June 30 | A. | (sensitive name & region)
  • July 7 | Reagan Urbanavage | Okeechobee, FL
  • July 14 | Jeff & Yolanda Leer | Glennallen, AK
  • July 21 | Kris G. (sensitive name & region)
  • July 28 | Donald & Karen Vundhla | South Africa
  • Aug 4 | EBIC Youth Summer Serve Report
  • Aug 11 | Steve Knox | Elizabethtown, PA
  • Aug 18 | John Courchesne | Lebanon, PA
  • Aug 25 | David Zilka & Amy Starr | Harrisburg, PA
  • Sept 1 | Sermon Series Processing, In and Not Of, Pt 1
  • Sept 8 | Sermon Series Processing, In and Not Of, Pt 2
  • Sept 15 | Sermon Series Processing, In and Not Of, Pt 3

Led by: T. & A. W.                                                                                               

Description: T. & A. W. serve in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. They lead a seminary and multiple educational ministries among children, youth, and local gospel workers. Their passion is to see the gospel preached, the church matured, and young adults educated and inspired for mission. They are partner missionaries of the BIC US and supported by Elizabethtown BIC. They will share about what God is doing in their region, how you can pray, and how you can get involved in this strategic mission!


Led by: Vicky Landis | Mobilization Administrator for BIC US World Missions     

Description: In her role as the Mobilization Administrator with BIC US World Missions, Vicky gets to see stories of the way God has been working around the world, through EBIC’s partnership as well as partnerships from other congregations. There are so many ways EBIC and individuals can partner with BIC US World Ministries and she is excited to share those opportunities. We are all called to make disciples—BIC US World Missions can help you in that calling.

Led by: Pam Grosh, John Grosh                                           

Description: Where would you be without God's Word in your own language? Join Pam and John as they share the story of their February trip to Papua New Guinea to witness and rejoice with the Kaluli people as they received the New Testament in their own language. The Kaluli are an indigenous people group that live in the rainforest on the slopes of Mt. Bosavi, an area that is accessible only by foot or by air. Their brother, Andy, his wife, Sylvia, and a team of Kaluli translators worked for 41 years to bring this project to completion. Join us as we share video, pictures, and stories of singing and dancing to welcome the Bibles that had "come to their own ground."

Led by: A.                                                                                                            

Description: No description due to regional sensitivities.

Led by: Reagan Urbanavage                                                                                   

Description: Join Reagan for a time of thanksgiving and praise to God as she shares how He has been working in Okeechobee and in her life throughout the past spring! Because of God’s generous provision (given to her through many of you) she’s had the wonderful opportunity to learn more about service and Christian living through a mission internship to Florida! Hear about God’s faithfulness and guidance with the many ministries of Rescue Church and how Regan was able to get involved in hospitality, dance ministry, leading bible studies, sharing the gospel with children, and more.

Led by: Jeff & Yolanda Leer

Description: Come hear about an EBIC Summer 2024 mission trip through LightShine Ministries, Mount Joy. The Leers and other locals traveled to Alaska to bless employees and staff of Crossroad Medical Center and provide supportive services for their ministry to Native Americans, homesteaders, and tourists in the interior of Alaska.  Jeff and Yolanda will share exciting developments for future mission trips to Alaska.

Led by: Kris G.             

Description: Having served as a church planter overseas with BICWM for 20 years, Kris now serves as the BICWM regional administrator for Asia. She also works in house church planting among the Isaan people of Thailand where the vast majority of people are folk Buddhists. Her team walks alongside approximately 12 emerging leaders from the nine house church groups in the city and surrounding villages. Their media ministry, funded through The Tide, has produced evangelistic programs airing daily on four different radio stations in the province. Their media resources are available on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. In addition to the work in Thailand, Kris plans to share current highlights from the BIC church conferences in India, Nepal, and Japan. 

Led by: Donald & Karen Vundhla   

Description: Donald and Karen serve as the Africa Administrative Coordinators for BIC US World Missions, and act as a connection point between World Missions and the BIC conferences in Southern Africa, walking alongside national leaders and churches in leadership development and mentoring. They also promote funding and disbursement efforts of the Special Projects in the various countries. They will celebrate the fruits of missions in Southern   Africa, as well as the unique qualities, challenges, opportunities, and styles of worship in the BIC churches in the different countries.

Led by: EBIC Youth—Middle School & High School   

Description: Hear their recap of their experiences serving various communities. They had opportunities to serve kids, entire communities, and families in their homes. Their Summer Serve trips come from their desire to be Christ's hands and feet in our world.  

Led by: Steve Knox   


Description: United Churches Elizabethtown Area (UCEA) is a Christian organization, showing Christ's love to the community through programs that include: Community Cupboard (Food Pantry), Clothing Barn, Meals on Wheels, and provides a Social Service Campus (Community Place on Washington). UCEA has served the needs of the Elizabethtown Area for more than 50 years. Come and hear several ways you can get involved in ministry in our own community. 

Led by: John Courchesne   


Description: In his role as the Development Coordinator at Kenbrook Bible Camp, John has had the opportunity to connect churches, organizations, and individuals to the important work of helping young people grow in their relationship with Christ. He will be sharing about how these connections are making an impact with stories from the summer camp and retreat center. He’s also excited to share about the work they are doing in a leadership development program as they equip young people to serve the Kingdom long beyond their time at camp. He will finish up the time by suggesting ways to partner with this important work at Kenbrook and in the places that God has placed you. 

Led by: David Zilka, Executive Director | Amy Starr, Director of Development, Paxton Ministries 

Description: "As you are going…" (Mt 28:18-20) Paxton Ministries is shining Christ-like love into the shadows of poverty, mental illness, and intellectual disabilities. Every day we are restoring lost hope and changing hurt and broken lives. Since 1981, we have offered a safe, supportive home for adults challenged with poverty, mental illness, and intellectual disabilities. Join us to learn more about the ways God is at work at Paxton and some ways we believe He is positioning Paxton to make a greater impact in our community. 

Led by: Adam Forry & others

Description: Jesus described his followers as being “in the world” but “not of the world.” Christians are to be an active presence in society while also living differently, with distinct character, motivations, and goals. This “in and not of” quality should be evident in every sphere, including in how Christ-followers respond to the “hot button” issues of the day. Whether the issue is care for the unborn, treatment of immigrants, religious liberty, or racial inequality, our submission to Jesus must affect our views and actions. In this series, we will reflect together on how our faith informs our thinking on issues like these and how we relate to people with differing views.