string(5) "hello"


Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:18-20 NIV


EBIC’s Home Mission Team (HMT) aims to develop and nurture both local and North American partnerships and encourage local service to the Elizabethtown community.


As a congregation, we want to be people who partner with other followers of Jesus to share his love and grace. We do this through organizations related to the broader Brethren in Christ Church as well as through other ministries that impact our community and world. We share our lives, our time, our talents, and our finances.

Below is information about organizations that EBIC's Church Board has approved for congregational support. Approval of an organization means that the organization's goals, service, and methods are within our congregation's Christian understanding of helping those in need. The congregation is encouraged to support, whenever possible, denominational and related ministries that meet a particular need. We hope that this is a helpful resource for fellowship groups, small groups, and others within the congregation who would like to engage in and support outreach, service, and mission organizations.

Not exhaustive; new organizations need to be approved by Church Board.



EBIC has a longstanding passion for supporting global missions and is committed to the mandate to share the good news of Jesus around the world. The Global Mission Team (GMT) at EBIC serves as an arm of the congregation to facilitate response to disasters, encourage short-term and long-term service in missions, and to nurture a global mind-set within the congregation.

Considering Long or Short Term Service?

Global Balance and Long-Term Partnerships

EBIC’s Global Mission Team (GMT) allocates between 20%-30% of global mission funding to the following regions: North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. As we seek to identify and develop connections, it is our desire to cultivate long-term partnerships in ministry situations where we can be in contact with those serving in the field and where we are offering support. In this way, we can have direct knowledge of current needs, regular updates of ministry progress and relevant prayer requests.