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IMPACT Registration is NOW OPEN

Register HERE

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Jesus | Luke 18:16-17

We aim for every child to feel loved, come to know Christ, and find a place where they can grow through fun and life-changing experiences. We approach this goal by being:


We are dedicated to supplementing the family in their attempt to lay a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead a child into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and then to provide a place where they can grow in their knowledge and love for God.
He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. | Psalm 78:5-6


God loves every child, and therefore we accept and love them just the way they are. Children who need special attention are lovingly welcomed. We have fun, but it is fun with a purpose! Our teaching is active, creative, and engaging with the purpose of connecting with kids to help them connect with God.
To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. | Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22


We seek to connect children with loving adults who know and love Jesus—to be relational, not just informational.
As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them… | Luke 24:15


We believe that children are important and matter to God. Not only can children come to faith in Jesus Christ, but God commands adults to come to him with the simple faith of a child. We present the Good News of salvation through Jesus often and clearly, providing opportunities for children to invite him into their life as their savior and friend.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. | Jesus in Matthew 19:14


Stop by the check in kiosks in the main lobby (straight through the front doors) to meet a staff member and register your child.  



VOLUNTEERS (age 18 & older)/PAID WORKERS (ages 14 & older)
Thank you for your interest in serving with the children and youth ministries at Elizabethtown BIC Church! It is our incredible privilege and responsibility to minister in a variety of ways to the children and youth of our congregation and to provide a safe, secure environment in which they may grow in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to do all of this in a world which is not always safe and in which abuse of children in various forms is prevalent enough to warrant vigilance on our part.

One of the ways we do that at EBIC is by giving close attention to the personnel who supervise our children and youth and the manner in which that supervision is given. Our policies and procedures are outlined in our Children & Youth Protection Policy. This policy not only provides a level of protection for our youth and children, but also sets forth expectations for children and youth workers that will help protect them from unfounded accusations.

In order to comply with that policy and with state regulations for childcare volunteers, all volunteer children and youth workers (age 18 or older) and all paid children & youth workers (age 14 and older) must complete and submit the following:

    • EBIC Background Information Form | new volunteers/workers only
    • PA State Police Response for Criminal Record Check
    • PA Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
    • PA residency statement OR Federal Criminal History Background Check

Clearances are valid for 5 years from date of completion

A copy of THE ENTIRE COMPLETED PAPERWORK PACKET should be returned to the CHURCH OFFICE by any of these methods:

PLEASE KEEP ALL ORIGINALS of your clearance documentation, especially if you plan to volunteer other places. Each organization with whom you volunteer requires a copy of these clearances.

Instructions for completing each of these items are found below:


EBIC Background Information Form

NEW VOLUNTEERS/WORKERS or YOUTH only | Please complete the following form:
EBIC Background Information Form

PA State Police Criminal Record Check
  • COST: $22 (for paid workers) FREE (for volunteers)
  • An instant response will be provided if there is no record
PA Dept of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
  • COST: $13 (for paid workers) FREE (for volunteers)
  • Create an account and submit your request electronically. It is helpful to collect the following information prior to beginning your submission:
    • Addresses where you have previously lived
    • Names of all individuals with whom you have lived to include parents, guardians, siblings, spouses, etc.
    • Any previous names you have used or have been known by
  • Results will be emailed/mailed to you within 14 days of submission.
PA Residency/MINOR AFFIRMATION OR Federal Criminal History Background Check

OPTION #1 PA Residency/MINOR AFFIRMATION verification

If you:

  • are a VOLUNTEER ONLY (18 or older) or MINOR PAID WORKER (ages 14-17)
  • have lived in Pennsylvania during the entirety of the past 10 consecutive years
  • can attest to not having been convicted of a felony nor a sex crime over the past 5 years
  • are a MINOR PAID WORKER ONLY and can have a PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN swear and affirm swear and affirm in writing that you are not disqualified from service 

you may complete the appropriate section(s) of this form: PA Residency and/or MINOR AFFIRMATION signature form. You do NOT need to complete the Federal Criminal History Background Check

OPTION #2 Federal Criminal History Background Check

If you are either a:

  • Paid worker (18 or older) OR minor paid worker (ages 14-17) who has not lived in PA for the last 10 years
  • Volunteer (18 or older) AND have NOT lived in Pennsylvania during the entirety of the past 10 consecutive years

you need to complete a fingerprint based Federal (FBI Criminal History Background Check):

  1. REGISTER ONLINE and schedule a 10-minute fingerprint appointment at IdentoGO .Enter the appropriate code below:
    • 1KG6ZJ (volunteer, 18 or older) | 1KG756 (paid worker, 14 or older)  
  2. PRINT YOUR REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION email & take it along with a form of identification (driver's license, photo ID or US passport) and form of payment (credit card, check or money order) to the Elizabethtown Public Library.

Click here to view the Children and Youth Policy Handbook.



Preschool ministry is more than babysitting; it’s laying a critical foundation for faith in the life of a child. Our team members are screened and trained so that parents can rest assured that their child is in a safe and secure environment. Children will play, laugh, and learn through activities tailored just for their little hearts and hands.


  • 9-9:45 am  | nursery for infant- age 3, SS for pre-K 
  • 10 am service | nursery care for infants–pre-K
  • 11:15-11:30 am | extended nursery for infants–pre-K


K-grade 5

We strive to make learning about God and his Word fun, engaging, interactive and life-changing. From powerful large group teaching to personal small group experiences, our goal is help guide every kid closer to God and equip them to follow Jesus for a lifetime!


  • 9-9:45 am  | SUNDAY SCHOOL | room 200
  • 10 am service | KidsTime during sermon time | room 200
  • 11:15-11:30 am | extended KidsTime 

Wednesday Nights

  • September—April | 
  • 6-6:45 PM | KIDS' CHOIRS | age 3-grade 5
  •  6:45-8 PM  | MIDWEEK KIDS | age 4-grade 5
  • DROPPING OFF YOUR CHILD for the first time? Please complete this release form beforehand or complete a paper copy at check in: EBIC Release Form for MINORS


IMPACT After School Program

2024-25 Registration is now open 

TUESDAYS | 3:45-5:45 PM 

  • FREE after school program for kids in grades 1-5
  • a fun place to play games, grow friendships, get homework help, and learn about God
  • students from Bear Creek are dismissed as walkers and met at end of the walking path
  • students from EAST HIGH will be met by our volunteers at the school and escorted to EBIC
  • REGISTRATION REQUIRED for each student attending (CLICK HERE)
  • IMPACT will NOT be in session on days that EASD is on break, meeting virtually, or dismissed early 



Kenbrook Bible Camp is our local BIC summer Bible camp located in Lebanon, PA. EBIC offers scholarships to any child or teen, 6 years and older, who regularly attends either our Sunday morning or mid-week programs and completes scholarship project requirements.