string(5) "hello"

Etown College Ministry - Summer 2024

Date Range: June 8—August 3 | bi-weekly

Time: 9:00—10:30 AM

Location: EBIC | room 117

Childcare: No

Led by: John Myers |

Description: Are you interested in blessing college students? Did you have an "adopted" church while you were in college and want to pay it forward? Could we help disciple E-town College students at EBIC? Join this 4-session group to explore the existing bridge between E-town College and EBIC church. We will pray for students, learn about the CCO Rekindle club on campus, and consider how we can get involved. Joining this group could be a springboard for further ministry to college students in the fall semester. (The CCO, Coalition for Christian Outreach, is the campus ministry John works for on the campus of Elizabethtown College.)

Meeting dates: 

  • Jun 8
  • Jun 29
  • Jul 13
  • Aug 3
