string(5) "hello"

College Ministry Intro

Time: 10:00- 11:30 AM

Frequency: Bi-Weekly | 6 meetings

Start and End Date: March 16—May 25

Location: Church | Rm 117

Childcare: No

Led by: John Myers


Description: Are you interested in blessing college students? Did you have an "adopted" church while you were in college and want to pay it forward? Could we help disciple E-town College students at EBIC? Join this six-week group to explore the existing bridge between E-town College and EBIC church. We will pray for students, learn about the CCO Rekindle club on campus, share our own stories and desires to get involved, and plan a meaningful outreach with students in this spring semester. Joining this group could be a springboard for further ministry to college students in the fall semester. (The CCO, Coalition for Christian Outreach, is the campus ministry John works for at Elizabethtown College.)
