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McCoy Jones

discipleship pastor

As Discipleship Pastor, Pastor McCoy (A-Mac) seeks to equip people to follow the way of Jesus. He helps with intergenerational groups, welcome ministries, and young adults ministry. He grew up in Irving, Texas and his wife Jess grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They attended Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas and got their Masters of Divinity (Jess also got a Master of Social Work, but who's keeping score?). After graduating from seminary, McCoy served as a senior pastor in Indiana. They live in Manheim with their cat Dot. McCoy enjoys reading theology and comics, cracking wise, and trying new restaurants with Jess. 


email the CHURCH OFFICE  or call 717.367.2651

Church Board

Wayne Heiseychair
Eric Mann, treasurer
Jeffrey Erikson, secretary
Ron Grenko
Pamela Grosh
Joachim Huerter
Kathy Barlow
James Beebe
Janelle Messick


We are hiring a Children's Pastor. Click here for job posting.

We are hiring a Director of Communications. Click here for job posting.